Η σειρά NEXO είναι μια σειρά πλήρους σώματος (full body technical serie) στην οποία η υφή και η ευελιξία ειναι το επίκεντρο. Το NEXO είναι διαθέσιμο για εσωτερικούς και εξωτερικούς χώρους σε τρεις διαφορετικές υφές και το πλήρες σώμα του περιέχει ένα υψηλό ποσοστό επαναχρησιμοποιούμενων υλικών.
Size: 30x60cm Rett. 60x60cm Rett. 80x80cm Rett. - Polished: For high traffic public indoor areas as well as private residences. - Natural: For both outdoor and indoor high traffic public areas as well as private residences. - Relief: For both outdoor and indoor high traffic public areas as well as private residences and indoor wet areas.
Size: 30x60cm Rett. 60x60cm Rett. 80x80cm Rett. - Polished: For high traffic public indoor areas as well as private residences. - Natural: For both outdoor and indoor high traffic public areas as well as private residences. - Relief: For both outdoor and indoor high traffic public areas as well as private residences and indoor wet areas.
Size: 30x60cm Rett. 60x60cm Rett. 80x80cm Rett. - Polished: For high traffic public indoor areas as well as private residences. - Natural: For both outdoor and indoor high traffic public areas as well as private residences. - Relief: For both outdoor and indoor high traffic public areas as well as private residences and indoor wet areas.
Size: 30x60cm Rett. 60x60cm Rett. 80x80cm Rett. - Polished: For high traffic public indoor areas as well as private residences. - Natural: For both outdoor and indoor high traffic public areas as well as private residences. - Relief: For both outdoor and indoor high traffic public areas as well as private residences and indoor wet areas.
Size: 30x60cm Rett. 60x60cm Rett. 80x80cm Rett. - Polished: For high traffic public indoor areas as well as private residences. - Natural: For both outdoor and indoor high traffic public areas as well as private residences. - Relief: For both outdoor and indoor high traffic public areas as well as private residences and indoor wet areas.